You Haven’t Heard the Whole Story

It’s got everything!  The traumatic fall of a good girl to homeless drunk and then her dramatic comeback that includes sobriety, infertility and then two babies with the love of her life, it’s full of heartbreak and redemption and hope.  Sounds like a Lifetime movie, no?  YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THE WHOLE STORY. 

I’ve had people ask me if I’m writing a book.  “Would you write a book?”  “Why don’t you write a book?” “YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WRITE A BOOK!” “If so and so can write a book, you can certainly write a book.”  

Well, guess what?  I am writing a g-d book.  And I’m taking you all with me!

First, we have to talk about several things:

  1. I must admit to myself and to the world that I am a writer.  I am so close to actually doing this, it tickles.  I must have the confidence, or it will be shit.  I’m confident.  I just need to remain confident and not doubt myself so much. 
  2. It’s a lot of damn work to write a book and if you hadn’t noticed I have a lot of little fun nuggets on my plate right now.
  3. I need someone to want to publish my book. I know I know, self-publishing, right?  I don’t wanna.  I want the real deal. 
  4. It’s not about money, but money sure would be nice. 
  5. I used to be an actress and that fed my need for creativity and attention.  Now, I write.  And it’s much more my speed.  I can do it when and how I want, not to mention while wearing nothing or everything and nobody sees me.  I can even feed babies while writing! 
  6. People may throw rotten fruit at my writing, but I don’t have to wear it as a result.
  7. I thought I was done dating when I married my dear sweet dumpster husband.  Now it seems I must market myself in order to get a book deal.  I have no real desire to do this and frankly, I don’t have it in me to be a kiss ass and beg someone to sign me to write a book.  I prefer to let my work speak for itself.  It’s a tricky trick, this pride thing.
  8. I don’t get star struck, I get writer struck.  I am most excited about meeting and reading about writers I admire.  I want to be a writer that people admire.  I WANT THAT.  I want to be good enough that people want to read what I write in book form.  There, I said it.
  9. Why would you buy a book from me when you get the blog for free?  Well, I’ve kept a bunch of stuff from the blog and hopefully it translates into a good book.  You know my writing style and content and it would be very similar, but hopefully you want more and would be interested in a book of all the Katy gems you have yet to read about.
  10. I’m in awe of my friends who have written books.  I mean, they’ve done it and done it well and really worked very hard to get them done and on time and done well.  I’m impressed. I think I can do it too. 

All that being said, I am serious.  I want this and I’m putting it out into the universe to see what happens.  You know I work hard and am not afraid of a challenge.  I have been tiptoeing around it for a while now and it’s time I just jump in.  I just wanted to make you all aware of what’s going on so that you know, I am a writer.  I am writing a book.  It’s my scariest wish. I’m vulnerable in a lot of my posts.  But putting this wish out there makes me feel extremely vulnerable in a way I’m not usually comfortable with.  I need your support please.  I need your encouragement and help in keeping my head up and in the game. 

10 years ago, I never would have predicted that writing would be such an integral part of my life.  But here we are.  I am writing a book.  I am hoping that I have an audience and a publisher as well.   It’s out in the Universe now.  I do the best I can and hope the universe sees fit to help me out.  But you know, we don’t always get what we want.  My life has proven that so far and it’s turned out to be SO MUCH BETTER than what I wanted, I can’t argue or feel badly that I haven’t gotten what I wanted way back when.   As with everyting else, I’m so grateful for what I have, I feel guilty asking for more, but I’m doing it.  I’m asking for more.  The worst that happens is I don’t get it, right?


So, here we go!  This girl right here is taking you all with me because I NEED YOU!  Let’s do this thing. More Katy, more hope and love, more sobriety, more funny, more Hall & Oates!  I’m going to write your next favorite book! 

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